PhD Student position in infection and EV biology (m/f/d) at Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-University Bonn
The research focus of the “Cellular Virology” group is localized in interdisciplinary basic research. It covers the interface between virology, immunology, RNA biology and the new, highly innovative topic of extracellular vesicles. Using both classical and self-developed methods from all these fields, we explore diverse mechanisms which activate and inhibit innate immune signaling. These innate defense processes are evolutionary conserved pathways which restrict viral replication and spread. However, innate immunity itself must also be fine-tuned to cellular requirements to prevent damage to the organism by the antiviral mechanisms themselves. In the context of the advertised position, cellular regulatory mechanisms of innate immunity will be investigated.
Vairous positions at Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Nanovesicular Precision Medicine at Paris Lodron University Salzburg
Nanovesicles have sparked exponentially growing enthusiasm in the Biomedical Research sector since their function as fundamental cellular communication system promises entirely new strategies for therapeutic interventions and diagnostic readouts. Our new Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Nanovesicular Precision Medicine at Paris Lodron University Salzburg #LBI-NVPM has a mission of translating the beautiful biology of #ExtracellularVesicles and #RNA into medical reality by resolving the very biological questions and technological challenges which are major bottlenecks.
If you embrace the opportunity to work within a dynamic interdisciplinary team of scientists across chemistry, biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology and in vivo pharmacology together with clinical and regulatory experts on a joint mission at the interface of basic research and academic teaching, clinical translation and pharmaceutical drug development, we welcome your application.
SECRET – Call for applications for 10 Doctoral (PhD) Training Positions in stem cell biology, paracrine signalling mechanisms, advanced delivery methods and pre-clinical models for regenerative medicine applications
SECRET is a Doctoral Network funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme. The SECRET Consortium is a research network of leading European scientists from academia and industry, experts in human perinatal cells, extracellular vesicle biology, tissue engineering and biocompatible materials, to address key questions on SECRET through a coordinated, interdisciplinary effort in regenerative medicine. SECRET proposes 10 independent doctoral research projects with the ambition of providing its trainees with a comprehensive understanding of paracrine signalling mechanisms, cardiovascular repair, neuro-degenerative diseases, sophisticated modelling of disease and screening platforms, and biomaterials/tissue engineering. Through its research and training activities, the SECRET project will contribute to scientific advancement and innovation in Europe, ultimately leading to societal and economic benefits.