GSEV 2024
Annual Meeting of GSEV
Oct 1-2, 2024 in Hamburg, Germany
With keynotes from:
Klaus Pantel (Hamburg)
- Klaus Pantel (Hamburg)
- Gisa Gerold (Hannover/Innsbruck)
- Roland Wedlich-Söldner (Münster)
- Clotilde Théry (Paris)
- Marca Wauben (Utrecht)
- Gorjana Rackov (Heidelberg)
- Joachim P. Spatz ( Heidelberg)
and Awards for:
- Sofia Primavera Leistl (Margot Zöller Poster Prize for Translational
Research) - Melanie Bieke (Peter Altevogt Poster Prize for Basic EV Research)
- Shuhan Jiang (Best talk)
The Neuro EV satellite event featured presentations from:
- Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers (Mainz)
- Steph Fowler (Oxford)
- Kendra Maaß (Heidelberg)
- Andreas Neuderer (Hamburg)
- Berta Puig (Hamburg)
- Franz Ricklefs (Hamburg)
- Mohsin Shafiq (Hamburg)
- Friederike Zunke (Erlangen)

The 26th Joint annual Meeting of the Interdisziplinäre Gruppe für Labor und Durchflusszytometrie, INSTAND, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immungenetik, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie, and GSEV was held on Mar 7-9, 2024 in Leipzig, Germany

EV OMICS Studies:
GSEV Workshop Highlights in Marburg
GSEV is proud to highlight the successful completion of the EV OMICS workshop held recently in Marburg. This event represents a crucial advancement in the field of Omics research, with a special focus on EVs. Aimed at nurturing the intellectual curiosity and expertise of burgeoning scientists, the workshop featured insightful presentations and dynamic discussions.
Key aspects of the event included engaging roundtable discussions and informative poster sessions, which created a vibrant atmosphere of collaborative learning and scientific exchange. The workshop also served as a platform to recognize the innovative work of new researchers, with three exceptional poster presentations receiving accolades.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to Particle Metrix GmbH and QIAGEN for their indispensable support in making this event a reality. We extend our deepest gratitude to the organizing committee members – Christian Preußer, Tobias Tertel, and Elke Pogge von Strandmann – for their relentless dedication and exemplary coordination of this landmark workshop.
Special thanks are also due to Tobias Tertel, Johannes Graumann, Regina Verena Taudte, Stefan Holdenrieder, Daniel Bachurski, Andrey Turchinovich, Benedikt Kirchner, Michael W. Pfaffl, Ingrid Bloß, and Martin Schlumpberger. Their profound knowledge and contributions were instrumental in enriching the workshop’s content and experience.

IGLD 2023 in Frankfurt

GSEV Annual Meeting 2021 in Freiburg
Thanks to all the participants of the 4th GSEV Meeting in Freiburg who made this meeting a success!
The Meeting report may be foud here: https://evcna.com/article/view/4480
We had a great scientific program and internationally renowned speakers including Samir El Andaloussi, Marcella Chiari, Ralf Jacob, Garca Raposo and Marca Wauben.
Congratualtions to our prize winners
Kerstin Menck was awarded with the Peter Altevogt Prize for best talk in EV fundamental research „The adaptor protein CD2AP controls the biogenesis of small extracellular vesicles“
Peter Altevogt gave his scientific blessing:
We (Margot and Peter) were co-founders in Germany of the newly emerging field of extracellular vesicles. We pushed this field forward with great enthusiasm and energy together wit our colleagues world-wide. Now we stepped back and leave this exciting new field to the next generation. In science we never know where it is going to end but we do hope that our efforts will be successful and of help and value for the future of mankind.
Lothar C. Dieterich was awarded with the Margot Zöller Prize for best talk in EV translational research
„Melanoma-derived extracellular vesicles mediate lymphatic remodelling and impair tumour immunity in draining lymph nodes“
A scientific blessing from Margot Zöller
Congratulation to a splendid start in translational extracellular vesicle research! All best wishes for your future with keeping in mind that you are in a privileged position, which allows you following simultaneously scientific sincerity and correctness and, by no means less important, your spirit of curiosity, daring, and sensitivity. Combining both may guide you through a scientifically and personally most satisfying life.
André Cronemberger Andrade, Mohsin Shafig and Fang Cheng Wong received best poster prize sponsored by the EVCNA Journal
A Round Table discussion with EV experts Graca Raposo, Marca Wauben, Ralf Jacob, Dirk Strunk, Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers and Bernd Giebel was the perfect end to a fantastic meeting.

IGLD 2020
The IGLD GSEV Meeting 2020 took place in Frankfurt.

GSEV Annual Meeting 2019 in Freising
Thanks to all speakers and participants at the 2nd GSEV-ASEV Autumn Meeting in Freising – it was terrific!

IGLD 2019 in Frankfurt
The German Society for Extracellular Vesicles was holding this meeting on 7 and 8 March 2019 in Frankfurt.
A diverse scientific programme, ranging from EVs in progress, their role during tumour progression to EV imaging in vivo and trans-kingdom EV-communication was presented.
We also had a honorary member presentation by Margot Zöller!
Thank you to all our speakers and contributors for providing an important insight into current EV research.
For a few impressions, please see photos below. Photographs were kindly taken by Alex Hildebrandt from LMU Munich – thanks.

GSEV 2018 in Marburg
From 15-16th of November the GSEV was holding its 1st Autumn Meeting at the Philipps-University Marburg.
Following the invitation of Elke Pogge von Strandmann and the organizing committee, 100 participants spend 2 days discussing their newest EV research in the area of EV in cancer and immunology, in development and in therapy. With a first part dedicated to proper analysis of EV, a keynote lecture of Pascale Zimmermann from Marseille and 6 invited speakers, the atmosphere was very stimulating, with a lot of interaction from junior researchers in discussion, poster flash talks and the poster session in the evening with finger food. From 12 short talks and 25 posters, the organizing committee selected Alexandra Hager from Munich for the best talk prize and Kirstin Hobiger for the best poster prize. Thanks everyone for their contribution!

IGLD 2018 in Frankfurt
The German Society for Extracellular Vesicles was holding this meeting on 1 and 2 March 2018 in Frankfurt.
Thanks everyone for making this meeting a great success!

ISEV 2018 in Barcelona
GSEV was present at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles in Barcelona in May 2018 – see an update and a few impressions below!
A few weeks have come and gone, and after gathering our thoughts and sifting through our notes, we’d like to provide the community with a quick summary report on ISEV2018.
To begin with: Even though everybody was happy that, out of all places, sunny Barcelona was selected for ISEV’s 7th annual meeting, the weather was a huge surprising factor. It was usually rather cold, rainy and windy around the conference center. Seeing it from a positive perspective, it was very easy to stay inside all day and listen to talks – no distractions by means of sunny walks at Park Güell, sangria after visiting la Sagrada Familia or café con leche.
GSEV had a strong presence at the meeting, bringing members from Essen, Marburg, Mainz, Munich, Heidelberg, Freiburg and elsewhere. As usual, participants of the German delegation joined forces quickly and set out to explore Barcelona (after enjoying packed 12-hour days of EV science, of course!). Scientists from all branches of the field gathered in the city’s restaurants and pubs, reconnected with colleagues and got to know each other better. Over tapas and beer, it was instantly clear: these people are great – it’s good to be here!
Similarly, more and more national EV societies start sprouting worldwide, many of which presented themselves at ISEV’s evening events. As these societies are often founded by members of the former COST initiative for a European Network on Microvesicles and Exosomes in Health and Disease (ME-HAD), many local organizers know each other very well, paving the way for active collaborations among the different national societies, e.g. in transnational collaboration projects. While the field is growing rapidly (it was the first annual meeting with more than 1000 participants), the community is still close-knit and familial, both on the international and German level.
Boosted by the ever growing interested in EVs, more and more biotech, diagnostic and equipment companies team up with researchers and societies. As evidenced in the industrial exhibition and sponsor talks, these alliances, and the bottom-up feedback from researchers in the field, lead to the development of extremely useful tools, which will ultimately propel EV science forward. While previous meetings were heavily focused on advances in bulk EV characterization, the trend now seems to move towards sophisticated and ultra-pure methods for EV isolation as well as high-resolution phenotyping of individual vesicles.
Back to the meeting itself: Headed by Juan Falcón-Pérez, the Local Organizing Committee together with ISEV did a great job putting together an agenda that covered an immense breadth of vesicle research. Dozens of talks and hundreds of posters captured everything from A(rgonaute proteins – should they be present in EVs or do we regard them as contaminants?) to Z(etaView: now available as TwinNTA, providing two lasers in one device). After an opening ceremony with opera singers and a live piano (you don’t get that at most conferences!), ISEV2018 was on, featuring four days with more highlights than could be recounted here.
Three parallel tracks of symposium sessions were interspersed with plenary talks by scientific heavyweights such as Graça Raposo (reflecting on the cell biology of extracellular vesicles), Mina Bissell (urging researchers to refuse dogma and start thinking outside the box) and Nobel Laureate Randy Shekman, who brought up thought-provoking ideas about the mechanisms of RNA sorting into EVs. Additional highlights included the 3D virtual animation on extracellular vesicles presented by Dave Carter (now available on YouTube) and the MISEV II initiative that all ISEV members were encouraged to participate in. We are very excited about the upcoming results.
GSEV members were not only passive attendants at the meeting, but also contributed in various ways: our president Bernd Giebel summed up one at the educational sessions, chaired the symposium session on Tissue Injury and Repair and displayed his expertise on Leukemia EVs during Saturday’s Meet the Expert Session. Additionally, he introduced GSEV at the Meet the National Societies event. The vice president, Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers, chaired Mina Bissel’s keynote lecture and a poster session, and presented her work on using transgenic mouse models to elucidate the spatio-temporal intricacies of glia to neuron exosome transfer. GSEV’s executive director Irina Nazarenko also served as session chair and gave a talk about her work on the clinical relevance of mutated, oncogenic nucleic acids in various EV subtypes. Martin Auber, a graduate student in Krämer-Albers’ lab, received a well-deserved poster prize (cheers!) for his research on how miRNAs from serum-free media supplements co-purify with EVs, potentially skewing experiments on cell culture-derived vesicles. Last but not least, a couple of other GSEV members presented their work on posters and in selected abstract talks.
Preceded by the Education Day and rounded off with numerous additional events (Meet the Experts, Meet the Journal Editors, Satellite Events, a luncheon for young researchers’ career development and many more), ISEV2018 certainly raised the bar for next year’s meeting in Kyoto, Japan. Hasta entonces and すぐに会いましょう.
GSEV Kick-off 2017
The kick-off meeting for the new German network on EVs was held on 2 March 2017 in a parallel session of the 2017 IGLD Meeting in Düsseldorf.